
Showing posts from 2009

On Canaries and Mineshafts

Baumol Explained (with thanks to Scott Walters)(and Diane Ragsdale)

The Perpetual Assumption


Rule of 70

First you, then us

After all, we did it their way

Raise money on YouTube

Why the pearls? Why the blue hair? Why anything?

Lean, mean, value addin' machine


Oh No, Performers Coming Into Audience

You gotta break some eggs

Not necessarily dancing


Theatre criticism is as wanting for depth as artists are for disclosure

Imagine that

Never Look a Gift Barrel in the Bung

Arts Gone Wilde

'Tis it nobler?

What instrument do you play?

The 30 Second Waltz

Jeff Tocci in Support of the Arts

New York State Proposes 4% Tax on Theatre Tickets

Play to your strengths



Panaesthetic Mambo

Dangling Digital Carrot

How to Save Broadway

Why Theatre