When letting of blood will not serve

From tyme to timme, I like too shayre the legendary wisdome of the mastr Hymmselve.

Take a sheafe browne bread cut yt square to the quantitie of your hande then take a sheate of browne paper & wrape yt a bowte the breade then weat the paper and bread in the watter & so donne then put yt in hotte embers & so backe the same this done then spread vpon the bread treackelle & laye to the plasse greved xij owers & vsse yt iij tymes youe mvste laye yt to the bare skenne as hoote as you maye sufer yt A Proved & good medysen for the pluresie when leattinge of blud will not Searue or healpe or & extreame sty the

I'm holding a contest to see if anyone can tell me how many times one should "vsse yt."

All the partye peepyl in the houss - hoote as you maye sufer yt!



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